Quadrivalent HPV Vaccine Evaluation Study (QUEST)
A pan-Canadian adolescent cohort to evaluate reduced dosing schedules of the HPV vaccine
QUEST is a Canada-wide study designed to evaluate whether 2 doses of the HPV vaccine are just as effective as 3 doses at preventing HPV infection and cervical cancer. The QUEST study will seek to recruit 8,666 females from across between the ages of 14 to 18. Study sites are in British Columbia, Alberta, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and PEI.
Continuing to further the QUEST study
The QUEST ADVANCE (Quadrivalent HPV Vaccine Evaluation Study with Addition of the Nonavalent Vaccine) furthers the original QUEST study by examining the requirement and effectiveness of HPV vaccine schedules at greater than 10 years. The project is in collaboration with the team at the Vaccine Evaluation Center.